• Photography Tips
  • Photography Tips – How Much Should Photographers Charge In 2020?

    December 14, 2019

    If you are making a living out of photography, it is very essential that you are aware about the changing trends in photography and more so about how much photographers charge every year. You must be updated about the current pricing standards for you to be able to support yourself by running a profitable business.

    How much photographers charge should be one of the things that you must know from photography business tips that you read. With photo editing services, the providers have a pretty upfront pricing. They charge for product photo editing or photo retouching either through the difficulty of the photo retouching services or through the amount of photos that are to be edited.

    Becoming a professional photographer does not assure you of a good source of money, unless the clients value what you do. Here are some tips to develop a pricing plan and establish how much photographers charge for the coming year.

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    How to Price Photography?

    Knowing how much photographers charge is one of the most difficult tasks in photography entrepreneurship. If you are going to put a high price for your services, you might lose opportunities. If your price is too low, then you can forget about profiting a lot from your business. The worst thing that can happen is if you consistently get low pay that it is difficult for you to pay for the costs of your business.

    Ultimately, what you need to determine is how much a picture is worth? Online retailers, for example, need product photos for their websites. These images do not come for free and as a photographer, you must be able to put a price tag on each photo. Knowing how each photo is priced has almost the same process of knowing how much photographers charge or should be charging clients.

    First, you must determine the difficulty of each photo or project. It is only fair that you factor in the complexity of the photos because there are shots that are too difficult to take. You also need to factor in the cost of models or crew if there are any.

    Another thing that you must factor in is the exclusivity of the image or how the image is to be used. You need to be very specific about this or risk facing a lawsuit for photo infringement.

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    The Costs of Hiring a Photographer

    Depending on the skill level, a photographer typically charges from $100 to $250 per hour. This estimate is for the usual events or instances where photographers are needed, like taking the company photos or shooting for product photos.

    The prices can go high for event photographers, especially for weddings and lavish birthday celebrations. It can cost from around $1000 to $3000 for at least 6 hours of non-stop coverage. There are also typical prices for portrait photography packages.

    Again, determining clear-cut pricing is difficult because there are plenty of factors that can affect the prices. One of the first things to consider is the level of expertise of the photographer. Knowing how to take photos is not enough. There should be a certain style or unique quality to the photos that increases the value of the photographer.

    Taking photos is also only half of the services that a photographer offers. There is a need to process the photos afterwards. Typically, photographers need to learn how to use Photoshop and other photo editing software to create stunning images.

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    Best Photo Post Processing for Better Pricing

    Since clients are after having stunning photos, photographers need to be on top of their game in terms of photo editing skills. One of the reasons why photographers can charge higher than others is because of their creativity in editing photos. As a photographer, you have to make sure that you are not only able to deliver great shots but also hand in incredible photos after post-processing so that your prices will be justified. Clients will not question how much they pay you as long as they are satisfied with what you give them.

    Bottom Line

    Ephotovn has long been a reliable ally of photographers in the industry. It is a comforting thought to have expert photo editors in your team. Outsourcing your photo editing needs assures you that you have a team behind your back to do the necessary edits using professional quality skills and knowledge.

    Grow Your Photography Studio. Partner with Us!

    With Ephotovn, you will not be asking how much photographers charge because you can be confident to offer a fair price for your services because it is guaranteed that your clients will be delighted with the expert photo editing that the Ephotovn team delivers.

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